One Super Easy Trick To Look Stylish Everyday

As much as I would love to say that I look as stylish as my Instagram feed every day, I would be lying if I did. Why don’t I look like this every day, you may ask; Because it takes time to look this good (inserts “sarcasm” emoji)!


But seriously, getting up every morning and making a real attempt to look your absolute best can be very time consuming; which is why most of us don’t make that attempt. We just get up, do the necessary tasks (take a bath, wash your face, brush your teeth, and maybe comb your hair), throw on the first and easiest item in sight; then jet out the door!


I have a son, so my tasks take even more time because everything that I do for myself, I have to do for him. And, in addition to those tasks, I have to feed him as well. So, our morning process can take about an hour and fifteen minutes.


Unfortunately, most women assume that because we’re so pressed for time in the mornings, we need to sacrifice looking great and put together. But that just isn’t true!  Sometimes we want to look like we’ve made an effort when we get to work right?  I mean, no one wants to leave out the house wearing a wrinkled pair of jeans, dirty tennis shoes, and a college t-shirt from 2001, do they (asking for a friend)?


I’m going to go ahead and answer this question for you, NO!  We want to look our best! By “best” I mean a nice pair of pants with a pretty blouse. “Best” could also mean a chic dress with a pair of statement pumps. It really doesn’t matter what you consider your best to be. I’m here to tell you that there is one simple trick to looking stylish (your version of stylish) on a daily basis. I practice this trick when I want to look my best during the week. And believe me, you can do it too.


BlazerTarget  T-ShirtTarget  PantsH&M  PumpsBCBGeneration  BagTarget

All it takes is 15 minutes!  Yes, 15 minutes is the trick.  Basically, when I decide that I want to get all dolled up for work in the morning, I take about 15 minutes the night before to prepare my outfit!  I know most fashionista’s make us think that they just get up and look great instantly. Well, most likely, that’s not the case.  They prepare these looks.  So, take 15 minutes the night before work and pick out some pieces that you like.  Try them on in front of the mirror and determine if you love the looks or not.  That way you will not have to do the same thing in the morning. The great thing about picking out an outfit the night before is knowing that you look amazing when you leave the house the next morning, and an amazing outfit sets the tone for the rest of your day.

So I have a challenge for you.  Try my trick this week.  Before you go to bed tonight, take 15 minutes and pick out an outfit.  Try it on and make sure you love it.  Tomorrow morning throw the stylish outfit on and take a picture before you leave the house.  Email that photo to and I will feature it on the blog next week. Can’t wait to see your entries!  Have an amazing Wednesday

Speak to you soon!


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25 thoughts on “One Super Easy Trick To Look Stylish Everyday

  1. justaddgigi says:

    The struggle is real. I have kids, and I work from home and even though I run my own fashion blog I often sacrifice style for comfort and convivence. However, I have learned from my own experience that planning ahead will save you time and a lot of effort the next day. As for your outfit, I really love the t-shirt it’s such a bookworm type of t-shirt that I really adore. I also love how to put a blazer and some heels with and immediately made the look dressed up. Thank you so much for sharing, Daniesha. And I can’t wait to see what new outfit you come up!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. shileen2017 says:

    Well dang! You look great! I love the whole look and think I’m going to keep my eye out for the Target items! 😉 It really is tough especially when working from home. I keep feeling like I need to step up my fashion game, even my casual at home look! Sigh! You suggestion of picking out your clothes the night before is a great idea!!


  3. Eric Gamble says:

    Sometimes the simplest answer is the best and the boy scouts had the best answer for any question, “Be Prepared”. Taking a few minutes before you go to bed can help a ton, especially since most of us probably waste that 15 minutes now a days on our cell phone doing mindless things. Whereas we could have just simply used that time to prep for tomorrow and whammo…you look your best! Good Tip!


  4. cinnamonsuzie says:

    Wow! Loving that blazer.

    Setting out your outfit the day before is definitely a top tip! I used to do this but fell out of the habit. Time to start again I think.


  5. Joylee Armeje says:

    Your gorgeous looks got me praying for a Target here in the Philippines! Oh I loved your post! I live far from where I work, and travel about 4 hours by bus each day. Because of that, I really don’t have time to make myself pretty in the morning. But I agree with you, planning ahead is the key to success! I should do that soon! Thanks!


  6. Joscelyn says:

    What a great idea! I have to admit, I usually throw something together last minute, but taking a few minutes the night before to plan it out would make my mornings SO much easier!


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